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Studies in Puritanism & Piety


vol. 5 no. 1 (2024)


vol. 4 no. 1 (2023)


vol. 3 no. 1 (2021) 


vol. 2 no. 1 (2020) 


vol.1 no. 1 (2019)


Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism


The Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism was co-founded by Prof. Dr. Willem J. op ’t Hof and Dr. Jan van de Kamp both of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The journal’s mission was that piety has always been a vital, and often debated, a component of Reformed orthodoxy. Piety refers to the heart’s disposition towards God, in response to one’s doctrine, and leading to practice. Yet scholarly studies on the intersection between piety, theology, exegesis, and other issues in Reformed thought often receive less attention than the evidence deserves. This often makes it more difficult to develop a broad and accurate view of what distinguished various regions in which Reformed theology flourished from one another, what they held in common, and what kinds of international crossover existed in relation to piety.

The Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism provided a forum for fresh research on the role of piety in historic Reformed theology. The journal was particularly interested in groups that sought to remedy perceived defects in the current state of affairs. This includes various forms of international Reformed Pietism, in particular, Puritanism (in Great Britain and America), and the Dutch Nadere Reformatie. While the journal prioritized Reformed orthodoxy roughly from 1560-1790, it included various revival and renewal movements in Europe and North America, which sometimes span into the nineteenth century as well. The focus was on earnest Reformed individuals and communities, highlighting their theological convictions, emotions, rituals, patterns of life, communication structures, media, material culture, memory culture, and other related issues.


The result was that the Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism enabled readers to understand a vital component of historic Reformed thought and practice, in international contexts, through a rigorous peer-review process. This fulfilled a real need in an often-neglected area of Reformed historical theology.


In 2019 the Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism merged with the Studies in Puritanism Journal, and Dr. Van de Kamp joined the editorial board. The combined journal is named Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal


Past issues of the Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism are found below.

Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism 2015-2017

Vol 3, No 1 (2017)


Methodists and Money in the Long Eighteenth Century | 1-24

Clive Murray Norris


From Communal Economy to Economic Community: Changes in Moravian Entrepreneurial Activities in the Eighteenth Century | 25-48

Christina Petterson


Book reviews | 49-70

Vol 2, No 2 (2016)


Johann Heinrich Hummel, the Peningtons and the London godly community: Anglo-Swiss networks 1634–1674 | 1-26

Vivienne Larminie


Spiritual marriage. A key to the theology and spirituality of Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) | 27-53

Willem van Vlastuin


Book reviews | 54-68

Vol 2, No 1 (2016)


Anweisung” — “Aanwyzing” — “Unterricht”. Three previously unknown early forms of Gerhard Tersteegen’s Anweisung zum rechten Verstand und nützlichen Gebrauch der Heiligen Schrift (A guide to the right understanding and profitable use of Holy Scripture) | 1-22

Johannes Burkardt


Jonathan Edwards’ spiritualis. Towards a reconstruction of his theology of spirituality | 23-46

Willem van Vlastuin


Book reviews | 47-68

Vol 1, No 2 (2015)


Puritans and Spiritual Desertion. The progressive development of Puritan pastoral psychology | 1-33

Reinier W. de Koeijer


“Sweetnesse in Communion with God”: The Contemplative–Mystical Piety of Thomas Watson | 34-63

Tom Schwanda


Book reviews | 64-68

Vol 1, No 1 (2015)


Editorial | 1-4

Willem J. op 't Hof


The eventful sojourn of Willem Teellinck (1579-1629) at Banbury in 1605 | 5-34

Willem J. op 't Hof


English Puritan Literature in the Swedish Realm in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries – translation phases | 35-55

Tuija Laine


Book reviews | 55-68

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