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AUTHOR GUIDELINES                                               FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS: email                                                                                       

The editors of the Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal invite submissions of articles, documents, and reviews pertaining to Puritanism.


Submitted articles will only be considered for review and publication when the author of the article has registered ("login") for the Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal. 


Contributions should be grounded in original research, written so as to be accessible to specialists and general readers alike, and defend a clear thesis. Types of submissions fall into several categories:


  • Articles are manuscripts running 6,000-11,000 words (or approximately 20-35 pages) in length, not including endnotes.

  • Features are shorter pieces on a theme relating to Puritanism, up to 2,000 words in length.

  • Historical Documents present primary-source materials, in full or in part but no more than approximately 50 pages in length), by or about Puritans or related figures, introduced and annotated by the contributor.

  • Book Reviews should be between 350 and 1,000 words. If someone wishes to submit an unsolicited review, he or she should contact the Book Review Editor, Allen Stanton ( prior to submission.


If manuscripts submitted to the Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal are published, authors will be asked to assign the copyright of your work to the editors. In return, the editors will grant non-exclusive rights to create derivative works from your article and to reprint it in works of which you are author or editor.


The Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal cannot consider a manuscript if it (a) has been published elsewhere (in any language), (b) is currently under consideration by another journal, (c) has circulated in a public electronic forum such as a webpage or listserv, or (d) will be published as part of a book prior to publication in the Studies in Puritanism & Piety journal. If any of these conditions apply to your article, the editors reserve the right to rescind their acceptance.


Illustrations, maps, tables, and other visual and audio resources are encouraged. You may include low-resolution scans of any illustrations when you first submit your article for consideration. If the editors accept your manuscript for publication, they will ask you to provide high-resolution scans when you send the revised version of your essay. You must provide the editors with copies of letters of permission from copyright holders or from the individual or institutional owners of uncopyrighted illustrations.


Additional permissions may be required for the use of archival, interview, and privately held materials, as well as lengthy quotations from sources still in copyright. For further information on permissions, see The Chicago Manual of Style, most recent edition, paragraphs 4.42-4.58.


The Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. Submissions will be sent for review to scholars and authors who are specialists in the field of Puritanism or generalists in their disciplines. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the editorial staff will edit it to conform to the Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal house style. Submissions should be fully and correctly annotated. The first citation of a work should include city and state of publication, a short form of publisher's name, and date. Include English translations of quotations in other languages.


Style Guide for Submission to the Studies in Puritanism & Piety Journal

For general questions and issues not addressed below, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, available online at Alternatively, contact Adriaan C. Neele ( and Allen M. Stanton ( with questions.


Basic Formatting

All manuscripts should be set in Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.

Margins should be set to 1" top and bottom, 1.25" left and right, with a 0" gutter. Headers should be set at 0.5" and footers at 0.7".


Insert page numbers in bottom center.

The first paragraph of the essay, chapter, and or section should be flush left. All subsequent paragraphs should be indented (use the tab key, not line spaces to set off paragraphs).



In running text defer to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, also available online. The convenient desk model is the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

The preferred form of a word is the first one listed by Webster’s. As such, “adviser” is preferred over against “advisor.”

In quoted text defer to the author’s spelling. There is no need to alter the spelling or to note [sic] in order to identify archaic or alternate spelling.

Titles: Italic or Roman



All citations should appear in footnotes, numbered numerically.

For works quoted multiple times, use full-citations for the initial citation and shortened citations subsequently. See Chicago 14.14–18 and 14.24–28



Use serial commas (include comma before “and” or “or”): Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, theologian, and missionary.



Quotations longer than five lines should be set off as block quotes (use “tab” to indent rather than line spaces). Block quotes do not need quotation marks.



Years are expressed in numerals unless they stand at the beginning of a sentence:

The year 1776 saw . . .but, Seventeen seventy-Six saw . . .

Use month and day to note specific dates not the day-month-year form: “November 20, 1985” not “20 November 1985”

Eras should be expressed as CE and BCE not AD and BC



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (MS Word, docs, docx), RTF, or Pages document file format.

  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

  4. The text is double-spaced; uses Times font, 12-point; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined above.

  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in ensuring a blind review have been followed.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University is acknowledged for the partial use of the Author Guidelines.


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